Friday, October 29, 2010
Opinions on George shooting Lennie.
I think that George shooting Lennie was kinda a good idea because it was bad enough that Lennie was causing trouble and on the top of that Greoge has the choice to shoot Lennie himself or let Curley kill him. Lennie went through a lot in this story. He is mentaly disable and is not in good conditions to be on his own so Geroge has to take care of him. Lennie first got in trouble by touching a lady's dress and scaring her, then he hurts Curley's hand, then kills his puppy and the worst of them all he KILLS Curley's wife. Lennie can't control himself once he has his hands on something that is soft. It was best that George killed Lennie because George was his gaurdian and it woulod make him look bad if he let Curley kill him,he just took the easy way out and killed Lennie himself. It was not as bad because Lennie would of gotten shot anyways.
The things that i dislike about the film is that it doesn't have some parts that the book had. What i like about the film is that it gives me more of a idea about what the book is talking about. Its a little more intresting seeing what it says in the book in action! The things that I like about the book is that you can read word by word and catch everything that is going on in the book. I don't dislike anything about the book . It was a good book!
I disagree with Carlson's decison to shoot Candy's dog because i think he should of waited for its own time of dieing, even if the dog was in bad conditions. I think killing animals can be worng and right at the same time! It depends on the prupose of killing it. When i think its right to kill an animal is when your going to eat it or for a religous purpose. But killing a animal for fun is not right! :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010
If i was directing of a 2010 version movie of the Of Mice and Men it would be diffrent with better characters. For Curley's wife i would use Angelina Jolie because she is a very good actress and she would be good at sounding just like Curley's wife with the southeren accent!.
For Lennie i would use Will Ferrell, For George i would use Brad Pitt, for Slim i would use Zac Efron,for Curley i would use Grenier, That would be my cast!.
For Lennie i would use Will Ferrell, For George i would use Brad Pitt, for Slim i would use Zac Efron,for Curley i would use Grenier, That would be my cast!.
Friday, October 8, 2010
I attend Montgomery Blair High school and I’m in my freshmen year. This will be my 11th year of school, from pre-k to 9th grade. I have my ups and downs with school.
But what I like about school is that I get to hang out with my friends and meet new people. I also like that I get new teachers and sometimes they’re cool. What I dislike about school is all the work I have to do and tests and quizzes. If I had the power to make my own school it would be a whole lot different than regular school. We would start school at 10:00am and end at 1:00 so we can get more sleep and chill out more! And there would be half days every Friday.
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